
Era uma vez um dominó. De todos e de ninguém. Só deles.
Aos poucos juntaram-se e já lá vai o tempo em que se fez tempo na aldeia.
Foram ficando até ficarem. O branco aumentou nas paredes, a chuva andou respingando nas telhas e os cães assobiaram à vida.

Ele levou-nos por aí. O Sr. Ventura, menino de cabelos brancos que ama a sua aldeia e conta histórias sem fim nem idade.

Aivados é lá, depois das planícies roxas, das cegonhas, das olaias à beira da estrada.
Aivados é pequeno e por isso tão grande, são os que lá estão e os que lá passam. Nada se leva e muito se traz. Aivados é...


Pelas ruas da cidade o tempo é amnésia. As pedras descansam, os meus passos não as perturbam, e a vida é um raio de luz sem fim. Observo...

Serenam as minhas inquietações quando percorro os amados olhos e abraços.

Assim renasce a beleza. Do mundo. Da alma. Do ser.

A volta...


Sou passáro que veio de longe e aos poucos repousa.
As casas abriram as janelas, o sol e o ar entraram com vontade de se inundarem em saudade.
Em mim o mundo às voltas, aos reencontros com o ritmo das raízes, das mesas cheias de paixão, dos abraços apertados e da cumplicidade transparente.

Falta ainda entrar em muitas casas, lugares de alegria, de salas abertas e quartos a partilhar segredos. A seu tempo... Pelos dias fora sem esquecer...

Hoje uma mensagem, amanhã ao telefone, daqui a nada lado a lado.




O mar levou o barco... Ele foi e voltou...
E o canto navegou...

O Inverno disse-me adeus... Sonho agora com a Primavera.

Dou as mãos à sorte vadia, à noite ciumenta...
Um dia assim chegarei...
Até ti.

Best of...

Tchep iep of Satu


One of the classrooms that we painted

Teresa and a hard task

Margherita making art

The beginning of the drawings

Natural scale

Afertnoon in Bissorã

Company in the road


Marg and Fofa

Market day full of life

Me and Ludi

The group of women in Iracunda

Giovani, me and Joao Pedro

Joy in the school

Rainy season

Cati and me

Going home

Sunset in Cacheu

The rice fields


Time, moments, persons, landscape, feelings, flavors, lessons for life, growth. Too much to tell, to resume in a few words or pictures. Anyway i leave here a small image of some of the things that mark my africain journey.
Thank you all for the enormous bliss!...
Till one day...


Beach in Bolama

Way to the beach, caju and more caju

Beach in Varela



My week of holidays in Guinea can be briefly put in one word: Beach! For the last days in Africa i wanted to know the famous beach of Varela, in the north of the country, and the first capital in the colonial time, Bolama. Well, to arrive in Varela it takes like 5 hours from Bissau. You have to catch a car from the big center till S.Domingos. From there you go on a truck, or somethig similar, till Varela. The most knowed beach in the country is actually a poor and desert village, sorrounded by militars and weekend houses. The life is reduced to the fishing business and the transport between Varela and S.Domingos. The beach is nice but far far away from all the expectation made by the local people. The big atractionare the cows! They spend all the day taking sun and slowly walking in the sand. Something that hardly i will seee again in my life.
After that time to go back home and relax. Travelling here it's hard and takes effort. Next weekend i wento to Bolama, one of the nearest islands from the capital Bissau, and previous big colonial center. I was curious to see the old traces left by the portugueses and how is the sitation now. Like many cities in Guinea the old buildings are abandoned or destroyed, and in this particular case, the situation is worse. Just a few live there and in general they don't take care of what exists. Things are left apart and with time they just deteriorate themselves. So i encounter myself in a ghost city with few people and movement ruled by the caju campaign and fisherie. The way to the beach is beautiful and when i arrived i had a small beach all to myself.
Made of simple journeys my holidays were just what i wished. Peace, sun and water!

Job done...

red and blue

green and orange

yellow and green

Final task concluded!
In the last two months in Guinea i've been working in the construction of some materials for the kids to learn the alphabet. It consists in a puzzle where the letters are litlle pieces that can be taken out and replaced in the correct place. With different colors and organization the final result are 6 alphabets that are going to be distribued for two classes. The teachers liked the job and they believe it can be useful. Now it's up to them...
For me it was a long process made in many days, listening to the radio, answering the questions of the children: "Ana esi i kê?" and seeing things change slowly. Now at the end i smile seeing my work and become proud of this small effort. May it be one more seed of knowledge in the school.