On the weekend of 28/29 November it was the big musslins party: Tabaski. It commemorates the sacrifice of Abraham to God and it's meant to represent the union between the family and friends among the Musslins. Since i'm here i contacte closer with this religion and it's believers. I have musslim friends so i was curious about the date and it's demonstration. The day started with the concentration of the faithfuls in the old big mosk in Bissora. I went with one friend to see them praying and i was moved by the moment. Mostly because i saw a lot of friends and people that i know celebrating and being happy. After that complete silence. The prayer began.
Ten intense minutes and everybody disperse and went to their houses.
It was a weekend full of joy, connection with the persons and the life. I felt a sense of belonging.
After some days giving classes to the third and forth year i made some change in my work plans. I realize it's more important to produce something for the pre-school kids and increase my support when they are in the school. Specially in the morning when they are almost 80 with ages between 3 and 5. There's no conditions, neither working materials, to stay in the classrooms so it's necessary to think on what we can do in the way that they can develop their senses, their skills and be happy during that part of the day. The playground is in it's midlle phase so i decided to make some boxes in wood to "teach" them about shapes and colors. Simple and promoting the interaction between the child and the material. The boxes are ready, now it's only missing the pieces that i'm polishing and after painting.
It's going all right and i'm happy with it. The kids are curious about what i'm doing and they want to help. One of these days they make a "live concert" with some pieces. We dance and laugh together. With just some pieces of wood we make magic...
Everyday in the school we have the "meal time" for all the kids. In the morning and in the afternoon during the brake we deliver one plate of rice or "papa" for 2 kids. Sharing and taking care of each other. We start with the joyful scream - COMBOIOOOOOOOO! They have to organize in pairs to wash their hands and pick up the plate from one of the teachers. Then they go to the open air refectory and it's confusion. Everithing it's possible, food on the floor, on the clothes, on the face... It's messy and fun. I like to walk among them and help in what i can. They are authentic and generous. They offer from their plate and when they are full they just say "ami farta". The moment ends with the plates filling up the basins where they are washed and with a bit of leftovers in the floor. After that it's time to play!