
the old mosk

the beginning of the prayer

the children in the square

On the weekend of 28/29 November it was the big musslins party: Tabaski. It commemorates the sacrifice of Abraham to God and it's meant to represent the union between the family and friends among the Musslins. Since i'm here i contacte closer with this religion and it's believers. I have musslim friends so i was curious about the date and it's demonstration. The day started with the concentration of the faithfuls in the old big mosk in Bissora. I went with one friend to see them praying and i was moved by the moment. Mostly because i saw a lot of friends and people that i know celebrating and being happy. After that complete silence. The prayer began.
Ten intense minutes and everybody disperse and went to their houses.
It was a weekend full of joy, connection with the persons and the life. I felt a sense of belonging.
To this country, to this people, to humanity...

*you are the world...*

1 comentário:

Abloom disse...

Danou-se!! A miúda não volta!