Às Cogumelas...


Se puderes,
sem angústia e sem pressa.
E os passos que deres
nesse caminho duro do futuro
dá-os em liberdade.


Miguel Torga

Vamos voltar a...

Olho para trás... e vejo as coisas boas. Permanecem... e tudo o resto é pequeno, agora desconhecido e levado pelo vento. Não sei... já passou... as nuvens...
Gostava de voltar a ver o brilhante azul...
Estendida na praia... ou
Sentada numa mesa ao jantar... ou
... Convite...

In the field...

The well built by ADPP

A woman working

Onion in the field

The alphabetization programme between the group of women

On the past week i went with Gastão to visit some of the women's groups of vegetable gardens in the small villages. To go there we travelled by moto in sand roads where only donkeys and bicycles go by. The tabancas are far from city centers and people live a modest and simple life with poor conditions and means. ADPP promotes the construction of vegetables gardens to improve their nutrition and also their economic state. Helping the women to organize themselves in groups, providing seeds, material to work and technical support our promotors create new possibilities for these people. Besides that it also started in some groups an alphabetization programme that gives the opportunity to these women to learn to write and read. One time a week a teacher from the village gives them classes. They are shy before the new knowledge but curious and happier to gain it.
In these villages they work hard to provide food for all family and eventhough the long days their smile isn't smaller or weaker. On the opposite, they celebrate the fact of the new open well has water. The women work all day on the sun, sometimes with the child on their back, having only one meal during that time. It's impossible not ot recognize their huge courage and nobility. In my humble strength i try to help a little bit...


Practicing new steps

Ussumani making the mask of the group

Putting up a new figure

The country is waiting for it's bigger party: Carnival! In the middle of February all across Guinea everybody will celebrate. In each city we wil have a parade where the neighbourhoods compete between them. The winner will go to the capital of th region and from there to tha capita of the country, Bissau. Every group expresse themselves according to their etnic group or social themes. They said that the national parade is beautiful. Every year the country stops for those 4 days. The Bijagós, one of the most important and richest cultural etnic groups, are used to win. The women dance only with their skirts made by the dry leaves of the rice. The sound of the drums and their natural rythm make then rest. I confess i'm anxious to participate in the party. For those days the joy, the union and the belonging will be even bigger...


Barcelona, before going to África

It was on the 14th of January of 2009 that we met. After one year we decided to celebrate the occasion. We didn't met before that and the adventure that we proposed to do was a big challenge. We get to know each other and became friends, family. The hard time in Barcelona brought us together, helping one another hand by hand. Adios fundraising, classification of clothes and shoes, promotion and department of comunication.

We did it! The magnifc 4 went to Africa!

Here we are, six months have passed and we are proud of our journey! To celebrate a good dinner on Bar de Anita with meat, fried potatoes, rice and, of course,red wine! We toasted and we remembered the good times.

In the air we left a promise... Next year, wherever we will be let's make a toast. If possible all together!


I always loved markets! Since i was a child that i'm used to go to market with my mother. It was a moment of joy, full of colors, smells and good vibrations. The people selling have a natural simphaty that conquers you at first sight. They show their products proudly and the conversationa is familiar.
Here it isn't different. They even start to call you friend! In the majority the market is constitued by women and sometimes children. They arrive early and go back home in the afternoon. Every day they chat, they sell and try to do their best to go home with much profit as possible. I go there almost everyday and i try to alternate were i buy the vegetables. So that each day i can "help" different people.
Bin cumpra!


Card of the day...


Always with us my friend... Love from all...

Return to work...

Filling up the boxes

Mustafa helping me with the pieces

Painting, again ;)
The boxes were there, resting in it's place and waiting for me. After the organization of the storeroom i have more space to work. Now i'm spending most of the time in the school here. While there are classes, and sometimes even on the brake of the kids, i stay here. They come to see, to help and to ask when is their new toys ready. I smile and say it's almost done...
I'm painting the pieces for the boxes acording their corresponding colors. It's takes time, like everything here, but i'm enjoying. After this i will do the alphabet, also in puzzle and with colors.
Meanwhile i play, i clean, i help and i live the natural joy that we breath here...

Go and back...

For some it was a surprise, for me it was the return to the roots. Family, friends, the earth that saw me groing up. Curious contrast, tranformation in the inside...
I felt at home. Specially among those who are my heart. I couldn't be with everyone i wanted but in 2 weeks time ran really fast. Like my friend Ti said, in good portuguese: "Soube a pouco".
I brougth with mee new dreams, the cold, the autumn, the coffee (delta!), the cheese, the wind, the fireside, the body full of clothes...
Now back in Africa... the magic continent, to nature and peace... to friends, to the walks barefoot, to warm sunsets... to somethings that words can't explain or describe...
You just feel...

Dinner in family...

The Christmas was the motive and the will make the night.
Brancos prepared dinner for Agosta, our wonderful cooker, and Sousa, our night guard. Spanish flavors, african rice, good wine and presents! Celebrating the time passed together, the adventures in the kitchen, the nights with music and cigars.
Gathering at the table, more than the food, we share smiles and the true spirit of family.
A toast to us and to those who are always here in our heart... Margherita... Gisela...

Christmas party...

The children singing for the parents

Eating together... Sharing...

New game

Run run run...


So so so so...
After 3 months of classes it's time to make a brake. According to the Christian calendar, that coincides with the scholar, in the end of December we have holidays. To commemorate Christmas and the end of the first period of classes the teachers and workers of our school organize a party for the kids. Each one opf them had to bring something: cakes, balloons, candys and snacks. We organized it in plastic bags to distribute among the kids. Early morning we started to work. Divided between the preparation of the food, the presents and games. At 1o the kids began to arrive. Very well dressed, happy and curious about their day.

We had music, traditional games ( sack race, tyres and balance with cups) and we receive the parents in the school. In the end everybody was happy. Although the tiredness and some confusion the experience had positive results. Next time will be better... So i hope...