Return to work...

Filling up the boxes

Mustafa helping me with the pieces

Painting, again ;)
The boxes were there, resting in it's place and waiting for me. After the organization of the storeroom i have more space to work. Now i'm spending most of the time in the school here. While there are classes, and sometimes even on the brake of the kids, i stay here. They come to see, to help and to ask when is their new toys ready. I smile and say it's almost done...
I'm painting the pieces for the boxes acording their corresponding colors. It's takes time, like everything here, but i'm enjoying. After this i will do the alphabet, also in puzzle and with colors.
Meanwhile i play, i clean, i help and i live the natural joy that we breath here...

1 comentário:

Pedro Emanuel disse...

gosto do Anglais....

tb voltei... tava farto dos alpes suíços... e agora também tenho um motivo para estar mais tempo no velho Portugal.
